Looking for Bullying Essay Writing Topics? Find Them in Our Guide

Why Bullying Essay Writing Matters
A bullying essay is one of many assignments given to students regularly. Such a task is a perfect opportunity for them to learn more about the subject matter, as well as strengthen their writing and analytical skills. No doubt, bullying remains one of the burning issues in the present-day academic environment. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss and analyze it actively. No matter what degree you are pursuing, you will probably face bullying essay writing tasks. Below, you will find some statistics that will help you figure out why this problem requires in-depth investigation:
- 80% of children become victims of jeers without even knowing it.
- More than 70% of students witnessed bullying and more than 30% of kids have been bullied.
- Approximately 25% of teachers do not consider bullying a problem.
- The victims are usually children suffering from domestic violence.
- Bullying can happen to any child. There is no clear reason why one child decides to bully another.
- The roles of children involved in bullying (irritator, victim, witness) can change over time.
- Very often, bullies suffer from domestic violence too.
- More than 160,000 of students are afraid of going to school because of jeers.
- Over 70% of children report that they have faced cases of online bullying.
As you can see, bullying is one of the vital issues in the contemporary US educational system. Therefore, it is particularly important to investigate the reasons for bullying, as well as to find efficient ways to solve this problem.
In an academic environment, teachers want to know what students think about bullying, and that’s why they ask students to write about bullying very often. If you are supposed to write such an essay, you need to treat this assignment seriously. It means that you need to formulate a good topic and analyze it from different perspectives. The best bullying titles for an essay are clear, intriguing, and thought-provoking. If you have never worked on this assignment before, you are likely to face some difficulties. In our guide, we will help you figure out how to choose an appropriate topic, develop your arguments, follow an appropriate structure, and many other things. Besides, we will provide you with ideas that will boost your writing potential. Let’s get started.
What Is Bullying Essay?
Before you start working on such an assignment, you should clearly understand its nature. Well, as its name suggests, a bullying essay is an essay that aims to investigate some aspects related to bullying. The approach to writing such an essay depends on its type. An informative essay will familiarize a reader with the problem, whereas a cause-and-effect essay will investigate the main reasons and consequences of the violent behavior. You may also discuss various bullying-related aspects including the definition, behavior of people involved in harassment, as well as the main causes of aggressive behavior among children. No matter what kind of essay you need to write, it should be interesting and coherent. You will receive the prompt with the guidelines to follow. Make sure to study it in detail before you start working on your paper. Only if you understand every single point of your instructions, you will be able to create a perfect essay.
Types of Bullying
There are several different types of bullying, and each of them has characteristic features.
- Verbal. It occurs when one person teases or taunts another person.
- Physical. This type implies hurting physically or torturing someone. Even touching another person without their consent is physical harassment.
- Psychological. This type occurs when a person or a group of people gossips about another person to exclude them from the group.
- Cyber. Cyberbullies use social media platforms to hurt or insult other people. They leave inappropriate comments to make the victim feel embarrassed. Bullies can also post private information, as well as share photos and videos, compromising the victim’s reputation.
How to Write a Bullying Essay?
As any other academic paper, a bullying essay should follow the traditional structure. First and foremost, you will need to pick up a good topic for your essay. Since your task is to make your topic appealing to your reader, you need to choose a subject about which you are passionate. It is likely you have some experience related to bullying. Feel free to brainstorm your ideas and think about the aspects you would like to discuss in your essay. If you are lucky enough to have never dealt with this problem, you need to carry out preliminary research and try to find out what issues require a thorough investigation. Besides, you may talk to your friends, family, or peers and ask them to share their experiences with you. Perhaps, they will help you understand the current situation related to the aggressive behavior. If you have chosen a topic for your essay but are not sure about it, feel free to discuss it with your tutor.
When working on your paper, you will need to collect credible academic data. Thus, we recommend you locate as many authoritative and up-to-date sources as possible. To make your study accurate, you may watch relevant videos, listen to podcasts, or study the interviews of people involved in bullying. Below, you will find the common types of essays you may need to write with that information at hand:
- Definition. In this essay, you are supposed to discuss the concept of bullying, as well as its main aspects.
- Narrative. Such a paper should tell the audience about your personal experience related to bullying.
- Descriptive. A descriptive essay should describe the problem, illustrating each argument with appropriate examples.
- Cause and effect. This essay aims to familiarize the reader with the key reasons and outcomes of this anti-social behavior.
- Persuasive. In this essay, you need to present your viewpoint regarding some aspects of bullying and convince your reader that it is correct.
How to Write an Appropriate Bullying Essay Outline?
If you want to make the process of bullying essay writing successful, we recommend you create an outline that will include all the main points that you will present in your essay in a logical way. Basically, the outline is a detailed plan of your essay. Having a good plan, you won’t include irrelevant or unnecessary details in your essay. Instead, you will focus on the main arguments and evidence.
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When writing an outline, you need to make it as clear and concise as possible since it will help you create a well-structured essay. If you are not sure how to do it properly, you can always look for good outline examples available on the web. Although many students consider writing an outline a waste of time, we assure you that it is an important time-management instrument.
Formulate a Strong Thesis Statement for Bullying Essay
As well as any other academic paper, an essay about bullying should have a central claim. This idea will showcase your attitude to the topic discussed. Usually, it is a one-two sentence claim put at the end of the introductory paragraph. Its goal is to familiarize the reader with what they will find in your essay. To write a good-looking thesis statement on bullying essay, you need to consider the following suggestions:
- Make it brief and clear. 20-30 words are enough to state your position.
- Put your thesis at the end of the introduction before the body.
- Avoid clichés. Make sure to express your position from the first-person perspective.
- Make your thesis related to the topic.
Create an Engaging Bullying Essay Introduction
Have you got stuck on writing an introductory paragraph of your bullying essay? Have a look at some recommendations that will ease your bullying essay writing process.
The introductory part of your bullying essay should engage your reader and make them want to follow your ideas. Yet, you should not include too many details in the opening part. For example, you may grab attention of your readers by providing them with shocking statistical information. When it comes to writing a bullying essay, you should make sure your reader understands that this topic has paramount importance. If you want to make your introductory paragraph look good, you need to consider the points suggested below:
- Explain the term “bullying.” Provide a good definition of this concept, as well as statistical data proving its significance.
- Let the reader understand how important it is to address this problem.
- Share your personal experience related to bullying if you have something to tell.
- Highlight the negative outcomes of bullying.
Write a Detailed Bullying Essay Main Body
As a rule, the main body consists of three or four paragraphs and/or sections. Each of them begins with a claim that connects it to the thesis statement. Then, you need to support this claim by providing appropriate evidence, as well as citing your personal experience. To make your arguments look stronger, you may tell the audience about the bullying instances that happened to you or your closest ones. To succeed at bullying essay writing, you will need to do the following:
- Write your essay from the perspective of your experience.
- Support your arguments with the evidence taken from credible sources.
- Suggest your own solutions for handling the problem.
You can write that bullying happens again and again because victims are afraid of breaking this vicious circle and telling someone about it. By explaining the importance of raising awareness among children, you will be able to write an intriguing and thought-provoking paper that will bring you the desired grade.
Bullying Essay Conclusion
In a concluding part of your essay, you should not only summarize the main points but also explain what makes your study valuable to the reader. Also, you may include a call to action that will make your audience think about the consequences of the problem in case it remains unaddressed.
Please, note that the concluding paragraph should leave the greatest impression on your reader. Besides, it should encourage them to study additional information about the topic. It is also appropriate to share your own observations and ideas on how to solve the problem. At the same time, you should not include new information in your conclusion as it is forbidden by the rules of academic writing.
Thus, when writing the final part of your essay, you may talk about the following:
- The actions that the government should take to address the problem.
- List mental and physical consequences of bullying.
- Write a pep talk to every individual ready to fight this problem.
Finally, when your paper is ready, you need to make a reference list that will include all sources you have used in your work. The way this list should look like depends on the formatting style you need to follow. Please note that by failing to include some sources in your reference list, you may face accusations in plagiarism, which will negatively affect your work.
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After the rough draft of your paper is complete, you will need to review it to make sure it is free from any flaws and inconsistencies. In particular, you need to do the following:
- Check if all of your ideas are in a logical order.
- Review your text for awkward and irrelevant statements.
- Proofread your paper for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.
- Ask one of your friends to have a look at your paper and provide their opinion about it.
- Use reliable spelling checkers to find spelling mistakes.
Efficient Tips for Writing a Bullying Essay
Regardless of whether you are studying psychology, sociology, economics, or any other discipline, you may need to write a bullying essay. Of course, bullying essay writing will take a great amount of time and effort. Luckily, there are a lot of handy tips that will make this process easier:
- When choosing a topic for your essay, don’t be afraid to dig deeper into the causes and consequences of aggressive behavior instead of simply describing the problem. If your professor provides you with the topic for your essay, think about various perspectives to discuss to make your essay look brilliant.
- Read some free essays about bullying to figure out how others approached the problem. These samples will help you boost your writing potential and find out the direction for your research. Yet, remember that your essay should be free from copy-pasted ideas. It means that it should be written from scratch in accordance with your tutor’s prompt.
- Include your real-life experiences whenever it is possible. Most probably, you have faced bullying-related situations. By including them in your essay, you will convince your reader that you know the subject well. For example, if you believe that the measures taken in your school are not effective enough, you may talk about it and support your arguments with solid evidence.
- Try to be as creative as possible. You should know that there are hundreds of essays about jeers and harassment already written. Your task is to choose a non-standard approach and analyze the topic from different angles. If your professor notices creative input in your work, it will definitely increase your chances of getting a good grade.
We do hope that the tips mentioned in our guide will help you create a winning essay. By using our practices, as well as applying the information learned from bullying essay examples, you will be able to write a high-quality paper. Now, check out a list of books and movies that discuss bullying-related problems. They will definitely inspire and motivate you for writing a perfect piece.
Books and Movies About Bullying
In the list below, you will find both serious and entertaining books and films connected to bullying:
- Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson;
- Lord of the Flies by William Golding;
- Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans by Ben Shapiro;
- Blubber by Judy Blume;
- The 18th Emergency by Betsy Byars;
- Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman;
- Run, Jimmy, Run by Malachy Doyle;
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee;
- “Face” by Benjamin Zephaniah;
- I’m the King of the Castle by Susan Hill;
- Deenie by Judy Blume;
- Hollow Pike by James Dawson;
- Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood;
- “Words that Wound” by Kathleen Vail;
- “Cyberbully” (2011)
- “Bully” (2012)
- “A Girl Like Her” (2015)
- “Mean Girls” (2004)
- “Easy A”
- “Lord of the Flies” (1963)
- Elephant (2003)
- Let the Right One In (2008)
- Disconnect (2013)
- The King of Pigs (2011)
- Moonlight (2016)
- Wonder (2017)
- After Lucia (2012)
- Speak (2004)
- A Silent Voice (2017)
- Better Days (2019)
- Carrie (2013)
- Fat Boy Chronicles (2010)
- A Monster Calls (2016),
- The New Guy (2002),
- In a Better World (2010),
- Before I Fall (2017),
- Insatiable (2018).
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)
- Stand by Me (1986)
- The Breakfast Club (1985)
- Back to the Future (1985)
- The Color Purple (1985)
- A Christmas Story (1983)
- Matilda (1996)
- Odd Girl Out (2005)
- Boys Don’t Cry (1999)
- Heathers (1988)
Cyber Bullying Essay Topics
There are a lot of cyberbullying topics to choose from since the problem is quite widespread. Find a list of ideas that will boost your bullying essay writing inspiration:
- What are the common types of cyber-bullying? Which one is the most dangerous?
- Why do people bully others in social media?
- How to overcome cyber intimidation trauma and its consequences?
- Discuss the common ways of cyberbullying prevention among teenagers.
- How to support a loved one suffering from cyberbullying?
- Cyberbullying is a social issue. What are the main causes and consequences of this phenomenon?
- Is cyberbullying a criminal offense?
- The prevalence of online harassment in the contemporary world.
- How to promote discussion of cyberbullying-related issues in media?
- What to do when you face cyberbullying?
- What social media platforms are the most popular among bullies?
- Discuss mental problems related to cyberbullying.
- Analyze the main consequences of media harassment.
- What to do if you notice that your friend is a bully?
- How to prevent cyberbullying among adolescents?
By using some ideas from the list above, you will be able to create amazing essays about cyber bullying.
Anti-Bullying Essay Topics
If you were looking for some interesting anti-bullying essay topics, we recommend you have a closer look at the ideas provided below. By developing one of these ideas into a well-structured text, you will be able to impress the most demanding teacher with an excellent bullying solutions essay:
- What measures are to be taken to stop bullying?
- What is the most damaging impact of jeers on victims and how to prevent it?
- Discuss the role of the government in fighting the problem of bullying.
- What are possible effects of harassment in the workplace.
- How can parents help their children suffering from bullies?
- Who should take full responsibility for the anti-bullying campaign?
- Analyze the most effective ways to stop harassment.
- Discuss the roles of the main participants of the bullying process (bullies, victims, witnesses).
- Should police get involved in harassment-related issues?
- Who can become a victim of bullying and how to prevent it?
- How to punish students who bully others?
- Why harassment rate is higher in developing countries?
- What is the role of teachers in fighting bullying problems?
Of course, there are many other ideas you can choose for your essay. No matter which one you choose, your essay should be clear, comprehensive, and engaging. When working on this paper, you need to demonstrate your genuine interest in the subject, as well as your compassion.
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Those customers who have ordered our writing assistance were completely satisfied with their choice of a writing companion. To provide students with exceptional writing services, we have hired many skilled, experienced, and talented academic writers. Having advanced expertise, they are not afraid of working under pressure and are capable of creating top-notch essays about bullying in schools. Thus, no matter what urgency you select when placing an order, we will deliver it without any delays. As for our pricing rates, they are very affordable. It means that you can order our premium writing help without hurting your monthly budget. So, if you have no idea how to write a marvelous bullying essay, don’t think twice and place an order on our writing platform.